2024 Doyle's Law List Awards
Leading Employment Lawyers (Employer Representation) – Queensland, 2024- John Farren
Leading Employment Law Firms (Employer Representation) – Queensland, 2024

2025 Doyle's Law List Awards
Leading Employment Lawyers (Employee Representation) – Queensland, 2025 – John Farren
Leading Employment Law Firms (Employee Representation) – Queensland, 2025
Effectively Resolving Workplace Issues
With extensive experience gained in both the private and public sectors, Farren McRae Workplace Lawyers and Consultants provides workplace legal services, professional workplace investigations, workplace reviews and dispute mediation services.
Our team delivers pragmatic and strategic solutions that are thorough, timely and cost-effective.
While based in Brisbane, Farren McRae Workplace Lawyers and Consultants accepts engagements across Australia.
Assisting Employers
People management can be some of the most challenging tasks employers face. For complex matters, often there is insufficient skill in house to manage workplace legal issues, workplace investigations, workplace reviews or to resolve disputes.
We provide employers with workplace legal advice, representation in Courts and Tribunals, investigation and dispute mediation services.
We are highly skilled in helping employers solve workplace problems in an effective way that everyone can live with. For us, it is not about winning at all costs (although winning is part of the strategy), it is about creating sustainable and positive solutions for the future of the individuals and the organisation.
Nonetheless, if you find yourself the subject of an unfair dismissal claim, adverse action/general protections dispute, unlawful dismissal proceeding, anti-discrimination complaint or other employment-related litigation, we are here to advise and represent you.
Our Legal Practice Areas
Employment Law Advice
Award, Enterprise Agreement and Legislative Interpretation, Obligations and Entitlements, Redundancies and Transfer of Business.
Discipline & Dismissals
Unfair Dismissal Claims, Adverse Action/General Protection Disputes, and Unlawful Dismissal Proceedings.
Discrimination & Bullying
Anti-discrimination Complaints, Workplace Bullying, and Harassment.
Employment Contracts
Employment Contracts and Restraint of Trade.
WHS & Workplace Injuries
Workplace Health and Safety Claims, Workplace Injuries, and Workcover Claims.
Disputes & Grievances
Workplace and interpersonal disputes.
Enterprise Bargaining
Enterprise bargaining drafting and negotiations.
Workplace Training
Training in workplace legal and safety obligations.
Our Consulting Practice Areas
Our Industries
Experienced and Results Driven
- Government
- Statutory Authorities
- Education
- Health
- Mining
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Elite Sports
- Retail
- Hospitality
- Childcare
- Law
- Banking & Finance
Need to resolve a tricky workplace issue?
Book a consultation to review your case and explore your options.